Sunday, December 23, 2007


So I'm sitting here amongst wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbon and various other trimming materials, and I heard this roar of a noise and froze for a second before I realized it was the WIND outside! Cripes. Better find my flashlight.

Amazingly, I got everything for my family wrapped up this afternoon. I, as usual, forgot one gift, and so I have to venture out tomorrow and snag that before the Christmas Eve festivities begin. I hope my car doesn't blow away overnight. I just filled the tank.

Vacation doesn't quite feel like vacation yet. Actually, it doesn't really feel like Christmas. I was talking with some friends from work the other day, and this seems to be widespread condition this year - disbelief of the actual time of year. Maybe since the weather was so weird coming into winter? I don't know. But it's definitely strange.

The boy is in Florida for the holidays, enjoying a toasty warm Christmas while I sit here in the... wait, no, it's not cold today. It was 50 degrees when I ventured out the insane asyl...uh, the mall. I didn't even wear my gloves. Truly bizarre.

I am officially on Ravelry! Such fun poking around there... find me, I'm Annabobanna there. I've already joined 3 groups and queued a few projects. After Christmas calms down I'll photograph my stash and get it up.

I'll be in the CNY area for New Year's, so if you're someone I haven't seen in a while, leave a comment and we'll see what we can do! I miss my CNY friends.

And Nick, if you read this, we totally have to see Sweeney Todd upon your return to Brooklyn.

Merry Christmas all!

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